Subspecialty: Rheumatology

Condition: Rheumatoid Arthritis

Location: Colorado Arthritis Center

Number of Patients: 300

Pilot Period: 6 months


Explore how cliexa-RA, Rheumatoid Arthritis configured of version of cliexaTrac, mobile health platform, is transforming rheumatoid arthritis (RA) management by improving clinical efficiency and patient outcomes. In a pilot study conducted at the Colorado Arthritis Center, cliexa-RA demonstrated its ability to enhance the patient intake process, streamline data integration, and improve the overall quality of care. The platform enabled physicians to efficiently track disease progression using validated scoring models, significantly reducing the time spent on data entry and improving patient satisfaction.



Global Prevalence

million people

Approximately 1.5 million people in the United States suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis.


of patients
0 %

RA patients are at increased risk for other conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, with nearly 40% of patients experiencing comorbidities like heart disease and diabetes

Gender Disparit

are women
0 %

Women are 2-3 times more likely to develop RA than men. About 75% of RA patients are women

Economic Impact

0 $

The total annual cost of RA in the U.S. is estimated to be around $19.3 billion, including direct medical costs and indirect costs like lost wages

Disability Impact

of people
0 %

Approximately 60% of people with RA are unable to work 10 years after the onset of the disease, highlighting the significant impact on quality of life

Challenges in RA Management

  • Time-Consuming Data Entry: Traditional paper-based intake processes are time-consuming and prone to errors, impacting both patient experience and clinical efficiency.

  • Inconsistent Data Integration: Manual entry of RA scores into EMRs often leads to inconsistencies, hindering the ability to track disease progression over time.

  • Limited Patient Engagement: Patients often have little access to their disease activity scores, limiting their ability to actively participate in their care.


Improved Clinical Efficiency

Time Reduction


Patient intake forms and self-reporting through cliexa-RA took an average of 2.4 minutes, compared to the standard 5-10 minutes with paper forms.

Seamless Data Integration


cliexa-RA enabled a 10-second direct data integration to the EMR, significantly reducing the time required for data transcription.

Enhanced Patient and Physician Experience

Patient Satisfaction

0 /4

Overall patient satisfaction with the cliexa-RA platform was scored at 3.57 out of 4, with high marks for ease of use and time savings.

Physician Adoption

0 %

The pilot study led to full integration of cliexa-RA into the clinic’s Greenway Health EMR system, demonstrating strong physician buy-in.

Cost Savings

Cost Efficiency

annual savings
0 K

The platform’s automated scoring and data entry capabilities have the potential to save the clinic approximately $30,800 annually in staff time alone.

Platforms utilized

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