Adolescent Resiliency and Wellness Digital Tools

With our recent strides in artificial intelligence, we’d like to get back to the roots of our core solutions. Over the past few months. As care shifts to digital, cliexa continues to put both patient and physician experience at top of mind. Read on to learn more about the opportunities to explore one of our flagship solutions, cliexa-OPTIONS, centered around adolescent engagement during one of the most critical moments in their healthcare journey.

Our cliexa-OPTIONS solution assesses adolescent risk and resiliency to provide pediatric, primary, and family care practitioners a thorough view of their patient’s health. The modular application structure of cliexa-OPTIONS supports implementation across a wide variety of care settings. As one of our clinicians through the University of Northern Colorado shared, “when clients have the option to disclose information through a virtual platform this informs the counselor of various topics the client may feel uncomfortable bringing up in session.” We have seen great success in both family medicine practices and primary care locations while venturing into non-clinical settings that have an immediate impact on adolescents.

Adolescent resiliency and wellness are often overlooked, simply because it is difficult to measure and monitor.1 There are multiple positive and negative factors that impact an individual’s mental health, and practitioners lack a standardized model to assess patients properly. Our proprietary model factors in a range of 22 measures to identify 6 dimensions of resiliency, providing physicians a comprehensive understanding of their patient’s wellbeing.

With students returning to school, either virtually or in-person, the mental health struggles of this generation must be acknowledged on a broad scale. While some students have access to mental health care, the large majority of those affected will go unnoticed. There is a growing need for a tool that adolescents interact with digitally, in an intuitive manner. This is where we see cliexa-OPTIONS as a tool that empowers adolescent patients and clinicians alike, in addressing risk and resiliency.

Check out today’s update on our $1 Million Grant to study digital screening intervention tools for adolescents and young adults with the University of Northern Colorado. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog and new webinar for Adolescent Resiliency and Wellness!

1: Windle G, Bennett KM, Noyes J. A methodological review of resilience measurement scales. Health Qual Life Outcomes. 2011;9:8. Published 2011 Feb 4. doi:10.1186/1477-7525-9-8

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