Mehmet Kazgan, Founder & CEO of cliexa, has recently been featured on Episode 24 of Passionate Pioneers with Mike Biselli...

Mehmet Kazgan, Founder & CEO of cliexa, has recently been featured on Episode 24 of Passionate Pioneers with Mike Biselli

Mike Biselli is the founder and part-owner of Catalyst HTI in Denver, CO, and is also the Chief Community Officer at a Catalyst company, BurstIQ. Catalyst HTI is a coworking space aimed to promote innovation and collaboration in the digital healthcare industry. Mike Biselli’s podcast is a way to showcase innovators and passionate leaders in the healthcare industry. Passionate Pioneers with Mike Biselli brings together various leaders in the healthcare industry each week. This helps listeners learn more about the current challenges in the healthcare industry and how we can collaborate to overcome them.

Our feature in this podcast gives recognition to innovative work we are providing within the digital healthcare industry. The podcast highlights cliexa’s Founder & CEO, Mehmet Kazgan, and what he is doing to transform healthcare and patient outcomes with cliexa. Mehmet has a talent for creating an empathetic solution to common pain points that patients, providers, and payors experience. In the podcast, Mehmet talks about his days as a fighter pilot and how these skills translate into the strong leader he has become. Give it a listen!

We would also like to extend a big thanks to AngelMD and Halo Creative Labs for the opportunity to utilize their amazing recording studio located in their Catalyst HTI office.

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