cliexa's Patent Allowance for Evidence-Based Clinical Data Collection & Processing

Today, we are proud to announce that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has announced the issuance of U.S Patent Number 14,243,549 for cliexa’s “System and Methods for Disease Management.” This patent covers clinical data collection and processing using an “Evidence-Based Data Indexing” (EBDI) model which is the core function of cliexa’s modular digital intake and remote monitoring platform. cliexa enables clinicians to monitor patients’ disease activities and clinical outcomes based on standard and dynamic thresholds within treatment workflows. The platform is tailored by subspecialties and provides automated compliance and billing outputs through cliexa’s proprietary integration services engine.

Disease activity is collected digitally through clinically-validated assessments and stored in a discrete format. This data indexing is generated by a proprietary algorithm referencing connected device data, claims data, and medication adherence or complications. Dynamic stored procedures use a new algorithm every time to update the patient-reported outcome assessments in the database and the application server would process the new or multiple assessments to be enabled in mobile front-end to collect data differently to be able to predict risk factors for specific demographics and multiple chronic disease states. Our computing objects get smarter using a learning algorithm by not only comparing the multiple disease data but also the treatment responses from patients and dynamically changing treatments by their clinicians.

Patients are also presented this dynamic data (e.g. what status their disease at compared to millions of other patients with two or more chronic conditions) to become self-advocates of their care and included IoT data also feeds back to the storage service with smart computing objects to compare existing patient data with others already in the system to give an informed picture to the clinicians.

“We are extremely excited to start 2020 with this recognition by the U.S. Patent Office. As clinical data collection and analysis become more powerful every day for the healthcare industry, cliexa’s model leverages proprietary learning algorithms and AI infrastructure, managing multiple conditions by connecting patients to their providers more effectively,” said Mehmet Kazgan, Founder & CEO of cliexa.

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