Who Would Have Thought - Digital Health Podcast

cliexa’s CEO & Founder, Mehmet Kazgan, is featured in the Who Would Have Thought – Digital Health Innovation Podcast! The Who Would Have Thought – Digital Health Innovation Podcast host, Robert Niichel, CEO and Founder of SmartTab, was joined by Chief Marketing Officer, Sacha Heppell.

In this episode, we take a deep dive into the value of patient-reported data and how cliexa leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to drive innovation in healthcare. Let’s take a look at the interview topics:

1. Improving Crohn’s Disease Outcomes

With any chronic disease, patients should be at the center of their own care. Our goal is to empower patients to guide their own care journey through real-time symptom reporting at the tip of their fingers. The cliexa-IBD platform embodies this approach by collecting information in-between visits to provide physicians a comprehensive overview of day-to-day symptoms experienced by their patients.

2. Patient-Centered Platforms vs. Tools for Physicians

Applications that benefit both the patient and physician journeys are critical to successful digital health tools. We subdivide our platform by two separate segments: Patient Profile and Diagnostic Profile. While the patient profile remains stagnant based on past medical and family history, the diagnostic profile is highly influenced by real-time symptoms experienced by the patient and has a large effect on their changing treatment plan. Check out our solutions for more information!

3. Data in Healthcare

The fourth industrial revolution is here, and data is at the forefront of innovation. For healthcare, the power of data is seen every day with each new discovery surrounding COVID-19. Digital health puts actionable data in the hands of clinical professionals and researchers to collect real data from patients and put it to use in defining their personalized treatment plans.

4. The Future of AI in Healthcare

Further building on how data will change modern healthcare, artificial intelligence accelerates the rate at which we identify trends in patient-reported data. With AI at the forefront of innovation, cliexa is proud to be implementing our proprietary model into chronic pain settings. Stay tuned for more information on our opioid risk AI model.

Thanks to Robert and Sacha for hosting cliexa on the Who Would Have Thought – Digital Health Innovation Podcast. We enjoyed the mindful discussion surrounding patient-reported outcomes and the future of AI in modern healthcare. Tune in to the podcast for more information on how cliexa is reinventing the way medical conditions are managed!

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